Goal Expressing the delicacy of the Dolomia phytocosmetic philosophy.
Concept The creation of illustrations that represent the semantic world that makes the brand unique in the natural cosmetics market.
Design The elegantly delicate and quiet style of the illustrations created by Nadine Schemmann subliminally expresses the way in which the Natural Balance Dolomia method benefits human skin cells.
category: Style
client: Dolomia
year: 2019

Nadine Schemmann
Nadine Schemmann (1977), aka LULU*, is an internationally renowned German illustrator active in the fields of fashion, advertising, animation and editorial design. In her work, she combines digital and hand-drawn elements to give life to a poetic, contemporary and stylist imagery. After graduating from the International School of Design in Cologne in 2000, she specialized at the University of Fine Arts in Berlin and lived and worked in San Francisco and Bern, in 2001 LULU* founded her Studio in Berlin, where she still works.
Strenght of Beauty: For thousands of years, the alpine vegetation had to endure harsh
and forbidding climatic conditions which brought to its evolution
and strenghthening, preserving in the meantime its apparent
fragility and the beauty typical of a flower or of an alpine plant.
This very same “regenerating force” lies inside the woman to
whom DOLOMIA adresses itself, whose appearance and whose
well-being have to fight daily against the stress of modern life and
of pollution, leaving breathing space to its natural beauty.
DOLOMIA uses active principles taken from plants and flowers
of the Dolomites, like: Scutellaria Alpina, Rhododendron (Alpine
Rose), Rosa Canina, Imperatoria and more.

Birth of the Dolomites: The environment which today surrounds the Dolomites has undergone a
series of radical and unique geologic changes: a constant and progressive
evolution which transformed the territory over the course of several
thousands of years. From the wide primordial ocean of 237 millions of
years ago to the raising of the atolls which today make the peaks of these
marvelous mountains, from where DOLOMIA takes its inspiration every day.
DOLOMIA lies at the feet of the Natural Park of the Bellunese Dolomites
an studies its territory since 30 years, trying to find inspiration and the
specific constituents for its SKINCARE and MAKE-UP lines.
Tips for the illustration: Female shapes (legs, shoulders, hands), like
mountain peaks, could emerge from a quiet tropical sea as did the circular
coral atolls which formed the Dolomites. Or a curled up woman with the
shape of an atoll, partly emerging from the sea.

Researching Roots: Among the most fascinating figures of the dolomitic legends lie
the Salvans, the “men of the forests”. Highly knowledgeable about
the secrets of the Nature and of the vegetation, they represent
an interesting parallelism with Dolomia’s research team; a squad
which tries daily to decipher the infinite book of Nature.
DOLOMIA formed a young team of botanists and formulators.
Scientists who, with their eyes on the biology of the Alpine region,
make their passion and their know-how available to everyone.

A Marvel among Marvels: Among the marvels of the world lie also the Dolomites, whose
nine systems have been declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO
in 2009. A unique treasure which becomes the daily source of
inspiration for DOLOMIA and the “secret garden” (a vast botainc
garden in open air) where to take our extracts and our knowledge.

Moon Skin: As it happens during moon phases, whose duration is made of 28
days, the human skin undergoes a regenerating cycle of the same
duration: a moment when epithelial cells change and make room
for a renewed part of us.
Many factors – like environmental pollution or stress – can badly
influence the process of cell growth and regeneration. Therefore,
it is important to adjust our lifestyle accordingly. DOLOMIA helps
you daily in this task, limiting the influence of aggressive elements
which are hard to dispose and helping your skin to find and
maintain its natural balance.

A Regenerating Sight: A feeling of escape and regenerating breath which brings us
directly to the heart of the Alps, in this little corner of pure
Paradise which are the Dolomites. This is the feel of immediate
well-being we want to obtain through DOLOMIA and its products,
for every woman who tasted the freedom and the purity which are
breathable only in the woods or in a Alpine valley.
A protective effect from stress and environmental pollution;
a stimulus to the regeneration of the skin (together with an
oxygenating and detoxing action), a deeper antioxidant action
which is tonic and soothing. These are just some of the benefits of
the DOLOMIA SKINCARE line to fight aging, defend environmental
pollution and bring skin to its natural brightness.

Safety in Nature: The high environmental standards of DOLOMIA (EPS and ISO),
the strict tests together with the low impact and the respect
for Nature, give a sense of safety during the purchase to whom
decides to choose the MAKE UP and SKINCARE products:
the awareness of being part of a world made of Nature and

Water, Part of Us: Our body is composed of water for the 60% of its total form:
an important and precious percentage, which makes vital and
important the urge for a cellular change to purify ourselves in a
healthy and natural way.
For its SKINCARE products, DOLOMIA uses the mineral water of
the Dolomites, coming from a source located halfway between
the factory and the mountains.
Tips for the illustration: Falls and alpine streams, maybe paired
with a female face. the Dolomites. Or a curled up woman with the
shape of an atoll, partly emerging from the sea.

The Light of the Enrosadira: Enclosed among the walls of the Catenaccio lies the garden
of King Laurin, with its legendary rose garden. As in a sort of
embrace, mountains circle and protect this gem; at the same time,
roses cover the terrain with a soft and endlessly colorful flower
carpet, allowing the vegetation to grow free.
The Rhododendron, a plant which blooms between 1.500 and
2.300 meters, is also called “Alpine Rose”; from it we obtain
one of the most important active principles of the SKINCARE
products, with an effective antioxidant action.

Breathing Mountain: The Dolomites are a blend of gorges, ridges and peaks, a
complex with a peculiar morphology which is colonized by life
and is constantly evolving: like an ever-growing organism, these
mountains live, breathe, glow, are subject to time and climate
change, exactly like our skin.

The Rose Garden: The legend of the “Rosengarten” tells the story of a kind and wise king who
owned a beautiful rose garden, whose beauty was only equal to that of his
daughter, the princess Ladina. This incredible event caught the attention of the
prince of Latemar, who, having met Ladina, desperately fell in love with her and
brought her away with him. The poor king then cursed his own roses, culpable
of having deprived him of the dearest thing he had, and he condemned
them to never bloom again, “neither at day, nor at night”. In doing that he
nevertheless forgot to mention dawn and dusk: for that reason today it is still
possible to enjoy the marvelous roses of the king, whose glowing reflection
gives birth to the phenomenon of the Enrosadira.
Thanks to the unique composition and structure of the dolomitic rocks, we
observe an unforgettable event: the “Enrosadira”. A physical phenomenon
which stems prom solar light and “dresses” the walls of the Dolomites of warm
and rosy colors at dawn and dusk, giving them a cooler and more evanescent
tone during the remainder of the day. Hence the name “Pale Mountains”.

Altitude Breath: Rich in oxygen, mountain air allows our organism to lower blood
pressure by producing higher amounts of blood red cells.
A high-altitude breath, coming from a beautiful territory, is the
daily promise which DOLOMIA brings with it and puts in every